

Week 01

  1. Markdown Guide
    This site contains a lot of useful links about markdown. Check it out if you are interested on what you can do with markdown.

  2. vi Editor
    As i just started using vi, i find that this tutorial is quite helpful. This site provides some basic vi commands that ease my file editing processes with vi.

  3. Regular Expression
    I think that you can find all information about regex in this site. You can get nice short explanation on regex concepts. If you are interested, you can also learn how regex work. This site also has the ebook version that can be downloaded for free.

Week 02

  1. C language Introduction
    This site combines short explanation and program example to explain C programming concept. On pointer chapter, this site also provide illustrations on how pointer in C work.

Week 03

  1. C File IO
    As we mainly focus on File System on Week03, I think that this site which provide some useful functions for file operation in C may be helpful. Similar to C language Introduction on Week02, this site also has short explanation followed by an example.

  2. Volume vs Partition
    While reading OSC for weekly assignment, even though I often hear about Volume and Partition, I still do not really know what is volume and partition in OS and how it differ from each other. After doing some online search, I found this site which give nice explanation on partition and volume. I recommand this site if you want to know more about volume and partition.

Week 04

  1. Dynamic Memory Allocation
    Dynamic memory allocation is a concept that can be used to deal with data that we do not know the size of it before running time. This site gives a nice explanation on how to implement dynamic memory allocation in C using functions available in stdlib.h.

Week 05

  1. Page Replacement
    This site provides some questions and answers related to Page Replacement. You can use this site to review what You have learnt from the OSC book.

Week 06

  1. Fork
    Fork is a function that we can use to create a new Process. This site has a nice illustration on how fork work.

Week 07

  1. Mutex and Semaphore
    Mutex and semaphore can be considered as traditional synchronization. This site gives a nice summary on the difference between Mutex and Semaphore strategy.

  2. Monitor
    Monitor is synchronization tool that usually present in a high level language. This site has a nice explanation on how we can use Monitor to solve the critical section problem.

Week 08

  1. CPU Scheduling
    This site has nice explanation on CPU Sceduling. This site also provides simple program to illustrate the cpu scheduling algorithm.

Week 09

  1. RAID
    This site provides a summary on how RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, and 10 work.